Your two favorite gay idiots dare you to fucking focus
Time Bender
Do you have a million and a half things that you are intensely excited to start or finish? Or do you have a hard time scraping together motivation to get a task started or completed? Do you feel like there are simply not enough hours in the day? One thing almost everybody wants out of their mortal flesh sack is more time. Well, friend — here’s some news for you: time can stretch and shrink.
We are constantly bullied by capitalism to believe that we do not have enough time. As a business owner or just someone who wants to have focused work sessions, it’s up to us to work together to make time bend in our favor. Let’s pool our last collective brain cells together to create some community focus and become time travelers. Join us as we bully time right back by creating a weekly portal where we simply: get. shit. done.
Focus. This word has a myriad of meanings and expectations. Focus can have a rather stuffy personification. Focus can often be confused with force. What if we stopped thinking of focus as something that requires our full energy, like pushing a rock uphill. What if we guided the rock downhill? What if you thought about focus as being easy? You allow yourself space and time to create, and dare we say - have fun.
What if you thought about focus as alchemy? What if you pictured yourself as a time bender, and you could create the power and time to create effortlessly. Easy, breezy, beautiful. This is the VIBE. This is what we are creating with our sessions.
We are coming together to bend time together during a Pomodoro work session. If you have never done a Pomodoro work sessions, it is simply 25 minutes on with 5 minutes off. We will be hosting a virtual workspace where we work together with our cameras on. We’ll take the first few minutes to share what we are working on and then will be working with the Pomodoro Timer.
Left to our own devices, we often piddle around, distract ourselves, and lose track of time. But when we really take the time to focus our senses and dive into the deep work, we can get a days work down in a 2 hour session (IYKYK). The added accountability that happens when you are in this space (albeit digital) adds a slice of magic and focus that makes your to-do list seem manageable and even easy.
Dance Break
We are taking stretching and dance breaks in our five minute breaks. There is nothing more resetting and affirming than to give your body a break. Your brain can only work so efficiently without giving your sweet, sweet body a somatic break. We will be encouraging you to jam out to your favorite song, take a stretch, or just give yourself a hug. Creative expression is a way to refuel your focus and inspiration.
Why We Love It
When you are in an action and a creative force of energy, the results are transformational. Instead of seeing your lofty goals as just out of reach on a pedestal, you can create a staircase that will make your dreams and projects attainable. There is so much magic in the creation process, and we are in a world where we are only sold consumption. When we surround ourself with creation and focused energy, we reclaim our creative potential and a strategy to invent a radically different self which can beget a radically different world.